A Short Blog and a PhD update

This is a short blog, and a PhD update really to say that the research aim has been agreed upon with the university and is as follows;

A short blog and a PhD update, picture of me stressed
It will be fun they said

‘Examine and interpret workers’ perceptions of job security within the white-collar service and experience economies, when tasks or groups of tasks are technologically automated.’.

The objectives of the research will look to examine and understand job security perceptions.

  1. Investigate and interpret the job security perceptions of white-collar employees, when technological automation is implemented within the office environment.
  1. Investigate and interpret the job security perceptions of white-collar employees, when technological automation is implemented within the office environment.
  1. Investigate and interpret the job security perceptions of white-collar employees, when technological automation is implemented within the office environment.
Cartoon looking a a document
Hmmm this is interesting
  1. Investigate and interpret the job security perceptions of white-collar employees, when technological automation is implemented within the office environment.
  1. Investigate and interpret the job security perceptions of white-collar employees, when technological automation is implemented within the office environment.




A Cartoon of a Picture of a Hotel
The Industry

As my research question has been refined from my original thoughts, the blog will continue to represent my investigation into technological unemployment, perceptions of job security, (and any interesting subjects I may come across), however, where before the research was looking at any industries, the focus will shift towards the hotel and service industries

I am aware that I have not published the title of my PhD on this blog to date, this was because the breadth of the research was being discussed and agreed upon with the university.

On an end note, my next blog will be about behaviours, and specifically TRA (Theory of Reasoned Actions, Theory of Planned Behaviour, and IBM (Intentional Behaviour Model), all of these models look to investigate why we as individuals perform certain behaviours in given situations. 

Cartoon of people on a desert island
Ah That meeting